Integrity Doesn’t happen by accident

September 15, 2024: Integrity Doesn’t happen by accident

Achieving a life of integrity does not occur by accident but is the result of careful, thoughtful, and intentional planning and Billy Graham and the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association earned high marks in this regard. Billy Graham had a reputation for integrity that set the beloved evangelist and his team apart from many other Christian leaders, and the measures they took give an example of what it means for a minister to be above reproach and to take no chances in this regard.

Graham’s commitment to integrity was not an accident, but a conscious decision made by Graham and his associates when they were all young. In 1948, Billy Graham was preaching a revival in Modesto, CA and while there he had a pivotal conversation with three members of his team – Cliff Barrows, George Beverly Shea, and Grady Wilson. These four Christian men had a very earnest discussion about the moral failures which had ruined the ministries of other evangelists. In Graham’s autobiography Just As I Am, he described what happened:

One afternoon during the Modesto meetings, I called the team together to discuss the problem [of ethics in ministry]. Then I asked them to go to their rooms for an hour and list all the problems they could think of that evangelists and evangelism encountered.

When they returned, the lists were remarkably similar, and in a short amount of time, we made a series of resolutions or commitments among ourselves that would guide us in our future evangelistic work. In reality, it was more of an informal understanding among ourselves – a shared commitment to do all we could to uphold the Bible’s standard of absolute integrity and purity for evangelists.[i]

Graham, Barrows, Shea, and Wilson arrived at four major pitfalls which had plagued revivalists: Misuse of money, sexual immorality, exaggeration of results, and criticism of churches or other clergy.

To achieve the goal of integrity, as listed subsequently in the so-called “Modesto Manifesto,” Billy Graham’s team implemented several practical guidelines, three of which are quite remarkable for the time. First, they would submit all financial matters to a board of directors for review, a practice which was then uncommon. For each evangelistic crusade, they had regular audits and kept open books for all to see. Second, the members of the team resolved that they would never be alone with a woman who was not an immediate member of their families. Billy Graham said, “From that day on, I did not travel, meet, or eat alone with a woman other than my wife. We determined that the Apostle Paul’s mandate to the young pastor Timothy would be ours as well: “Flee . . . youthful lusts” (2 Timothy 2:22).”[ii] Third, they determined not to inflate data regarding decisions for Christ or attendance at Graham’s evangelistic meetings. In later years, Cliff Barrows began referring to these guidelines as the Modesto Manifesto, and from his own notes he summarized the four principles as honesty, integrity, purity, and humility.[iii]

Billy Grahan’s life was one of unusual influence and fruitfulness. His lifetime of effective evangelism was the result of robust ethical commitments that established the operating parameters for his evangelistic work. To use a term from the Apostle Paul, Graham was above reproach (1 Timothy 3:2), and he remained above reproach by taking several intentional steps to keep himself and his team from falling into temptation.

As Christians, we can learn from Billy Graham’s example. Have you ever considered creating intentional steps in your own life to ensure integrity? Remember, a life of integrity doesn’t happen by accident but is the result of prudent choices and careful planning.

[i] Billy Graham, Just As I Am: The Autobiography of Billy Graham (Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 1997), 128

[ii] Ibid.

[iii] “The Modesto Manifesto,”

Covid-19 Vaccines and Abortion-Derived Human Cell Lines by J. Alan Branch

Should Christians use Covid-19 vaccines? I have been asked this question numerous times in recent months by pastors and laypeople. The primary moral concern raised to me regards the use of cell lines derived from abortions in the production of the vaccines.  Earnest Christians with a commitment to the sanctity of human life are concerned about possible complicity with the evil of abortion. In what follows, I will argue using the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines clearly does not entail moral complicity with abortion. The Johnson & Johnson vaccine raises more difficult questions about complicity with evil, but I conclude its use is still morally permissible.

  I will not be addressing the broader debate regarding the anti-vaccination movement. To be clear, I find anti-vaccination arguments unconvincing and based on poor argumentation, inaccurate summary of data, bad data, or conspiracy theories. My focus here is very narrow: As a person who believes vaccines have been an unusual blessing to humanity and celebrates the common good of immunization for public health, how do I respond when a profoundly effective method of preventing disease – vaccination – intersects with my moral opposition to abortion? For the sake of focus, I also will only be addressing the connection between Covid-19 vaccines and abortion and will save discussion of other recommended vaccines and abortion-derived human cell lines for another occasion.[1]

A Summary of the Three Covid-19 Vaccines and Human Cell Lines

     Three Covid-19 Vaccines have been approved for use in the United States: Pfizer-BioNTech, Moderna, and Johnson & Johnson / Janssen. The process of developing these vaccines occurs in three stages: 1) design and development; 2) confirmatory lab tests on the vaccines; 3) actual production of the vaccines.  The Johnson & Johnson vaccine used an abortion-derived human-cell line in all three phases; The Pfizer-BioNTech and Moderna vaccines used an abortion-derived human cell line only in the confirmatory lab tests phase, but not in the design nor production phases. The following chart shows the differences for each vaccine:

Covid-19 Vaccines and Use of Human Cell Lines[2]


                               Design & Development          Confirmatory tests             Production

 Johnson & Johnson                 Yes                                          Yes                           Yes

 Pfizer-BioNTech                      No                                           Yes                           No

 Moderna                                  No                                           Yes                            No


The Pfizer-BioNTech and Moderna vaccines use the human cell line HEK293 – an acronym which stands for “Human Embryonic Kidney 293” – in the confirmatory lab tests phase. HEK293 was developed in Holland in 1973 by a team led by molecular biologist and virologist Alex van der Eb at the University of Leiden. The cell line originates from kidney cells taken from a female child aborted around the year 1972. The abortion was not specifically performed in order to provide cells for research, but the cells were acquired after the fact. In 2001, Van der Elb commented on the source of the cells and said: “The fetus, as far as I can remember was completely normal. Nothing was wrong. The reasons for the abortion were unknown to me. I probably knew it at the time, but it got lost, all this information.”[3]

These fetal kidney cells were then transformed by introducing Adenovirus-5 DNA into their genome. This means certain strands of Adenovirus DNA were introduced into the kidney cells to improve the cell-lines usefulness for research.[4] Normal human DNA can only replicate and divide a finite number of times, but the modified DNA in HEK293 can replicate for an apparently infinite number of times, making it useful in research. HEK293 is now one of the most widely used cell lines around the world.

       The Johnson & Johnson vaccine uses an abortion-derived human cell line known as PER.C6 – an acronym which stands for “Primary Embryonic Retina Clone 6” – in the development, testing, and production phases. Also developed by Alex van der Eb’s team at the University of Leiden, this cell line was developed in 1995 from retinal cells taken from a child aborted in 1985. This abortion was not performed specifically to provide cells for research, but the cells were collected after the fact. Van der Eb described the original source of the cells, saying:

 “So I isolated retina from a fetus, from a healthy fetus as far as could be seen, of 18 weeks old. There was nothing special with the family history [and] the pregnancy was completely normal up to the 18 weeks, and it turned out to be a socially indicated abortus . . . and that was simply because the woman wanted to get rid of the fetus.[5]

  The DNA in the PER.C6 line has also been modified to allow limitless reproduction. Pharmaceutical manufacturers like PER.C6 because it can be grown in huge 10,000 liter vats, allowing for large scale production of vaccine components.[6] 

  To summarize, Johnson & Johnson uses abortion-derived human cell lines in all three phases of production of its vaccine, but Pfizer-BioNTech and Moderna only used abortion-derived human cell lines in the confirmatory lab tests phase.

Use of Human Cell Lines: What Does that Mean?

           To say human cell lines have been used in the production of a vaccine can lead to misunderstanding. This confusion has led to some imprecise discussions of the moral issues related to vaccine development. Clarifying the exact nature of the cell lines and their role in production helps one make a better decision.  

           One persistent rumor claims infants are currently being aborted to manufacture vaccines. This is completely false. No ongoing abortions supply fetal cells for vaccine production. The question about Covid-19 vaccines revolves around two abortions: One in 1972 and one in 1985.  And to be clear, neither of these abortions took place specifically to provide cells for research; the researchers took advantage of the abortions after the fact.

           Another false claim which continues to circulate is that vaccines contain fetal parts. This widely disseminated rumor is based on a misunderstanding of what it means to say human cell lines are used in research or development of vaccines. Both HEK 293 and PER.C6 are called immortalized cell lines. The adjective immortal can be confusing, and leads some people to think the original cells from the aborted fetuses have been kept alive forever and are somehow present in a vaccine, but this is incorrect. Immortalized cell lines are cells that have been manipulated to multiply and divide indefinitely and thus can be cultured for long periods of time.[7] The current HEK293 and PER.C6 cell lines are significantly modified and innumerable generations distant from the cells originally cultured decades ago. There are extremely small, residual quantities of trace DNA from the original abortions in the cell lines, but this is quite different from the defective assertion that vaccines contain fetal parts. The cells used in the modern HEK293 and PER.C6 cell lines are not the same cells as those taken from the aborted children.[8]

           The specific moral question regarding Covid-19 vaccines involves one’s possible complicity with the evil of abortion.  To be complicit means one is cooperating in an evil act. Reasonable Christians ask, “If I take the vaccine, am I tacitly participating in the abortions used to found the HEK293 and PER.C6 cell lines?” Others ask, “If I take the vaccines, am I indirectly approving of abortion?”  Most troubling for many Christians is the fear that taking the vaccine will encourage future abortions.[9]

 Moral Reflection

The term sanctity of human life is a shorthand way of referring to the value God gives to all human life along with its inherent preciousness. The sanctity of life is theologically grounded in our belief that God is the creator of human life and that humans are made in God’s image (Genesis 1:26 – 28).  As such, the right to life is the basis of all other human rights, natural and legal, and the foundation of a civilized society.[10] The concept begins with an affirmation of the beauty and richness of biological human life itself.[11] The word sanctity means human life has ultimate importance and is not to be violated. The principle of the sanctity of human life demands that a human being, regardless of prenatal stage of development, age, health, gender, or race, is always treated with respect and that a person’s life not be ended prematurely, unduly, carelessly, without Biblical warrant, or merely for reasons of utility.[12] Southern Baptists believe in the sanctity of human life from conception to natural death.[13]

We decry the abortions which provided the fetal tissue for the development of both HEK293 and PER.C6 because they violate the sanctity of human life. Pharmaceutical companies should find morally licit ways of developing vaccines that do not raise questions of complicity with the evil of abortion. Doing so removes a major moral concern for Christians who affirm the benefit of vaccines.

When considering sanctity of life concerns, we must also consider the lives which can be saved by the vaccines. When we are vaccinated, we are protecting the lives of other people by helping prevent the spread of the deadly Covid-19 virus. Doing so also shows love for our neighbor (Leviticus 19:18; Matthew 22:39) by acting in a responsible way that helps lessen the possibility we might inadvertently pass along a potentially terminal disease. In this way, receiving a Covid-19 vaccination reflects a commitment to the sanctity of human life by preventing the infection of others. When we are vaccinated, we are protecting our neighbor, and affirming our neighbor’s value as a human. At the same time, Christians with a deep concern for the sanctity of human life are disturbed by the use of abortion-derived human cell lines in testing or producing the Covid-19 vaccines. Is there a way forward? I think there is.

Again, the moral question is, “Am I complicit in the evil of abortion if I receive a Covid-19 vaccine?” For the Pfizer-BioNTech and Moderna vaccines, I think the answer is clearly no. While both to these vaccines used abortion-derived human cell lines in confirmatory lab tests, no human cell lines are used in either development or production.

  The answer to the question is a bit more difficult for the Johnson & Johnson vaccine since abortion-derived human cell lines are used in all three phases of its production, but I conclude its use is still morally permissible. The distinction between formal and material cooperation with evil helps in evaluating the problem. Formal cooperation in evil means one directly participates in an evil act; it takes place when a person intends in his or her action to further the wrongdoing of the principle agent. In our case, the person in question is someone receiving a Covid-19 vaccine and the principle agents are the abortionists themselves. Formal cooperation is always wrong, because it is not permissible intentionally to perform an evil act, even for a good end.[14]  Taking the Johnson & Johnson vaccine does not entail formal cooperation in evil since we did not assist in the abortion which provided tissue for PER.C6.

  The Johnson & Johnson vaccine does raise more specific questions about material cooperation in evil. Material cooperation in evil refers to cooperating in an evil act in ways not directly related to causing the act in question. Two distinctions within this category are vital: Proximate material cooperation and remote material cooperation. Someone who is proximate to the evil in question makes a direct contribution to the act that leads to the commission of the act.  Taking the Johnson & Johnson vaccine seems clearly not to be making a direct contribution to the act of abortion, so a person taking the vaccine is not guilty of proximate material cooperation.

 Remote material cooperation means one makes a contribution to an evil act but his or her contribution does not lead to the commission of the act. I think when most Christians express concern about abortion-derived vaccines, they are expressing concern about remote material cooperation and want to avoid complicity in evil in even a manner which is far removed from the original acts of abortion. They feel using the vaccine contributes to the wrong-headed thinking of our culture that abortion is permissible, and in this way might promote additional evil acts of abortion.

  We should celebrate Christians who have a tender conscience. Certainly, we live in a day when, as the prophet Jeremiah said, “People don’t even know how to be ashamed” (Jeremiah 6:15). Yet, I believe it is possible to use the Johnson & Johnson vaccine and in the process not contribute to the furtherance of the evil of abortion. At the same time, I prefer using vaccines in which the use of abortion-derived cell lines is not raised at all, thus I personally chose the Moderna vaccine.

  Christians burdened by concerns about remote material cooperation in the evil of abortion can take the Pfizer-BioNTech and Moderna vaccines since no abortion-derived cell lines are used in their production. But if, for some reason, health concerns mean one can only take the Johnson & Johnson vaccine, I suggest it is morally permissible to do so in an effort to avoid the danger of spreading Covid-19 to other people who may be immuno-compromised and at extremely high risk for death from the disease. Keep in mind, the human-cell line used to develop the Johnson & Johnson vaccine does not contain cells from an aborted fetus. I concur with Arbo, Mitchell, and Walker when they say, “We should concede the ethical validity of vaccine use while not ignoring the problematic origins of its development.”[15]

  At a deeper level, I think most Christians want to avoid becoming religiously-minded ethical utilitarians. Paul warns in Romans 3:8, “And why not say (as we are slanderously reported and as some claim that we say), “Let us do evil that good may come”? Their condemnation is just.” Without getting into a discussion about Paul’s opponents, it is clear the apostle forcefully rejects the idea that salvation by grace and Christian freedom grants moral right of way to some twisted form of utilitarian thinking enabling us to justify any means by well-intended ends. In this light, the entire point in the discussion about Covid-19 vaccines is that Christians are not doing the evil act of aborting the child, nor do we condone it. Furthermore, no abortions are ongoing to produce the vaccines.[16]

  Perhaps an illustration can help us think about Covid-19 vaccines and abortion-derived human cell lines. Imagine an evil father attacks his three-year-old child. The child is rushed to an emergency room where the ambulance is met by a distraught mother, a woman who had not been present when the father flew into a rage. Despite the best efforts of medical personnel, the child dies. Several floors up at the same hospital is another three-year-old child needing a transplant of some sort, and the deceased child is an ideal match. No one would think the grieving mother would have sinned by donating her deceased child’s organs to save another child’s life. While this scenario is not exactly analogous to the elective abortions which provided the original fetal cells for HEK293 and PER.C6, the cases are similar in that the original evil in both cases – killing an innocent child – cannot be undone.  In neither case – killing of a child by a violent father and killing of a child via an abortionist – do we affirm the evil act. But the child who received the transplant is not considered complicit in the evil act of murder. Likewise, I do not think taking a vaccine makes us complicit in the evil of abortion.

Let me be explicitly clear: I want modern science to give us human cell lines developed in ways that do not raise any concerns about the sanctity of human life. I am confident that smart people with a commitment to moral excellence can achieve this goal. Because vaccines are a benefit for all people, developing such cell lines will, I think, encourage greater compliance with vaccinations.

To summarize, neither the Pfizer-BioNTech nor Moderna vaccines are produced from abortion-derived human cell lines. The Johnson & Johnson vaccine is produced from abortion-derived human cell lines. There clearly is neither formal nor material cooperation with evil in using the Pfizer-BioNTech or Moderna vaccines. From my perspective, using the Johnson & Johnson vaccine also does not entail either formal or material cooperation in evil. Christians concerned about possible remote material cooperation in the evil of abortion should use the Pfizer-BioNTech or Moderna vaccines. But using the Johnson & Johnson vaccine is morally permissible for those who cannot safely use the Pfizer-BioNTech or Moderna vaccines. There are no ongoing abortions supplying human cells for any vaccine. Furthermore, the Johnson & Johnson vaccine does not contain cells from the aborted child, though it does contain extremely small amounts of residual DNA from the aborted infant. Pharmaceutical companies should respect the sanctity of human life and work to develop vaccines which do not raise concerns about complicity with the moral evil of abortion.  Doing so will eliminate one further objection to vaccines.

 [1] Five recommended vaccines are developed from cell-lines derived from abortions: Varicella (chickenpox), rubella (the “R” in the MMR vaccine), hepatitis A, one version of the shingles vaccine, and one preparation of rabies vaccine.

[2] Christian Medical and Dental Association, “Courage in the Crisis: CMDA and Covid-19,” March 4, 2021,

[3] Testimony of Alex van der Eb before United States Food and Drug Administration Center for Biologics Evaluation and Research meeting in Gaithersburg, MD, May 16, 2001, 81. Alvin Wong, “The Ethics of HEK 293,” The National Catholic Bioethics Quarterly 6.3 (Autumn 2006): 477. Catholic physician Alvin Wong has argued forcefully that though the exact circumstances surrounding the abortion in question are uncertain, “It is already known that the cells are embryonic in origin, so there is a high probability that they are from an induced abortion.” Alfred Wong, “The Ethics of HEK 293,” The National Catholic Bioethics Quarterly 6.2 (Autumn 2006): 477.

[4] A portion of human adenovirus 5, nucleotides 1-4344, is integrated into chromosome 19 of the HEK cells. Washington State University, “HEK 293 Cell Lines,”

[5] Testimony of Alex van der Eb before United States Food and Drug Administration Center for Biologics Evaluation and Research meeting in Gaithersburg, MD, May 16, 2001, 91.

[6] Mark Reid, “This Professor Laid the Foundation for the Corona Vaccine,” Mare March 11, 2021,

[7] Matt Carter and Jennifer C. Shieh, “Cell Culture Techniques,” Immortalized Cell Line, Guide to Research Techniques In Neuroscience, 2nd ed. (2015):

[8] Christopher O. Tollefsen, “Vaccines, HEK293 Cells, and Cooperation With Evil: A Response to Michael Pakaluk,” The Public Discourse April 26, 2021,

[9] Edward J. Furton, “Vaccines Originating in Abortion,” Ethics and Medics 24.3 (March 1999): 3.

[10] Thomas Wood, “Life, Sacredness of,” The Westminster Dictionary of Christian Ethics, James F. Childress and John MacQuarrie, eds. (Philadelphia: The Westminster Press, 1986), 353.

[11] This definition is my revision of Thomas A. Shannon, An Introduction to Bioethics, 3rd ed. (New York: Paulist Press, 1997), 46.

[12] I’ve modified and expanded this sentence from Stanley J. Grenz and Jay T. Smith, Pocket Dictionary of Christian Ethics (Downers Grove, IL: InterVarsity Press, 2003), 71. I believe Scripture allows for taking of human life in cases of self-defense, executions performed by a legitimate state authority as punishment for capital crimes, and in a just war.

[13] The Baptist Faith and Message, Article XV, “The Christian and the Social Order.”

[14] M. Cathleen Kaveny, “Complicity With Evil,” Criterion 20 (Autumn 2003): 24

[15] Matthew Arbo, C. Ben Mitchell, and Andrew T. Walker, “Why We Plan to Get Vaccinated: A Christian Moral Perspective,” Public Discourse December 8, 2020,

[16] If, hypothetically, some a vaccine was developed which required procurement of fresh human tissue from ongoing abortions, using such a vaccine would be material cooperation with evil.

Veteran's Day Blog Post

On July 2, 1863 at the Battle of Gettysburg, Col. Joshua Lawrence Chamberlain and his regiment, the 20th Maine, was posted on the extreme left of the Federal line at Little Round Top—just in time to face Confederate General John B. Hood’s attack on the Union left flank. After fending off five attacks by Confederate troops from the 15th and 47th Alabama, most of the soldiers from Maine were down to one or two rounds.  Unknown to the Union troops, the Southern troops had lost a water detail and were nearly exhausted. Chamberlain quickly realized that he could not retreat, for that would concede the Union left to the Rebels.  He could not stay where he was, for they would be overrun by one more attack.  Chamberlain and moved half of his soldiers back until the two lines met at a right angle at a large boulder.  Realizing he couldn’t stay where he was and he couldn’t retreat, Chamberlain decided to attack. 

Under tremendous fire in the midst of the battle, Col. Chamberlain exercised unusual calm and assembled his unit commanders. He explained that the regiment’s left wing would swing around “like a barn door” until it was even with the right wing then both groups would charge down the hill. Chamberlain gave the order to “fix bayonets” LT Holman Melcher of F Company leaped forward and led the left wing around.  When the left and right wing became even, Col. Chamberlain jumped off a boulder and led the charge down the hill.  The exhausted and shattered Alabama troops broke and ran, leaving the Union left flank secure.  

While it is easy to get into hyperbole about the results of the actions a Little Round Top on July 2, 1863, we should not underestimate what may have happened for the entire battle of Gettysburg and the future of the United States if Southern forces had seized this high ground and turned the Union left flank.  A common thought is that Robert E. Lee had already lost the battle of Gettysburg on July 2, and Pickett’s Charge on July 3 was a final act in the drama

          Our nation is free because of the unparalleled courage of intrepid men like Col. Joshua Chamberlain.  The blessings of liberty are never handed to a free people; they must be purchased at the cost of tremendous sacrifice and loss of life.  Our freedom is a precious treasure handed down to us.  This Veterans’ Day, Christians best honor the brave warriors who have given us this gift by using our religious liberty to its greatest extent to share the Gospel to every person we can.


I’m Thankful for The Churches Who Led My Parents to Christ

My mother never knew her father. Raised by a single mother, she was living in Ashland, AL in 1946. Her mom, Grandmother Lewis, had moved back to Ashland from Birmingham when she lost her defense contractor job after WWII ended. 

          Country singer Miranda Lambert sings about the lack of privacy in small towns, saying, “Whether you’re late for church, or you’re stuck in jail, hey word’s gonna get around. Everybody dies famous in a small town.” In my mom’s small town, everyone certainly knew that she was the girl who didn’t know the identity of her father. 

One Sunday at First Baptist Church, Ashland, the pastor gave a public invitation to believe on Christ, and my mother came forward and gave her life to Christ. After the service, two women I will not know until I am in heaven took my mom aside in a small room off of the auditorium to give her Christian counsel. Their words were something to this effect, “We know people in this town are talking about you because you don’t know your father, but we want you to know that Jesus doesn’t see you that way.” I believe these two women were unusually sensitive to the leadership of the Holy Spirit in the counsel they gave my mom.  I am eternally thankful for a pastor who gave an invitation and two Christian women concerned to help a thirteen year old girl who came to church by herself and was the topic of town gossip.

As time goes by, my mom and dad met and got married. My dad had attended church off and on, but had never been converted to Christ. After dad completed his Air Force basic training, he went to school for aircraft mechanics at Lackland Air Force Base. A Christian layman was working as a civilian employee for the Air Force, training the young Airmen. This unknown layman invited my dad to a chili supper his church was having. At that supper, the pastor shared a brief Gospel message, and encouraged any of the men present who wanted to trust Christ to see him afterwards. My dad approached the pastor, and in the pastor’s study my dad gave his life to Christ.  Dad was transferred to Savannah soon afterwards, and was baptized at Bull Street Baptist. I do not know the name of the church in San Antonio where dad came to faith in Christ, but I am thankful for them.

Philemon 1:6 says, “I pray that the sharing of your faith may become effective for the full knowledge of every good thing that is in us for the sake of Christ.” (ESV) This Thanksgiving, I’m especially thankful for pastors and lay members I do not know who effectively shared Christ with my parents. I deeply hope churches today will regain evangelistic concern so that more may come to know Christ.

I’m Thankful for the Churches Who Led My Parents to Christ

I’m Thankful for the Churches Who Led My Parents to Christ

Every Believer is a Firstborn Child of God

Have you ever felt you were less important than other people? Have you ever thought that you were not as valuable as someone else? God doesn’t see you that way. When we believe on Christ, Romans 8:17 says we become “heirs of God and fellow heirs of Christ.” Every believer has access to all the riches Christ has to give.


In Todd Chipman’s wonderful book about adoption, Until Every Child Is Home, he tells the story Doug and Virginia Webster, Christians from Canada who adopted two boys and then later gave birth to a biological daughter of their own. The two older, adopted brothers playfully teased with their younger sister, “We’re special. We were chosen! You just came along!”[1] In an interesting turn of events, all three of the Webster’s children are the firstborn in their families. Both of their adopted sons was a firstborn and their daughter is a firstborn child as well. Doug Webster said, “As it turned out, all three of our children are firstborn, which is how I think the sons and daughters of God are privileged in the gospel of the kingdom.”[2] Chipman adds, “As we partner with our local church to care for kids in crisis, we participate in God’s concern for His glory in His image bearers. Every human is unique, all are first-born to God.”[3]


Indeed, when we are saved, we become joint-heirs with Christ.  We are all first-born children in the sense that all of us get the entire inheritance of regeneration, forgiveness, grace, justification, the imputed righteousness of Christ, and the presence of the Holy Spirit. It’s not as if some of God’s kids get more of this than others!  When we are saved, we are all first-born.  Of course, Jesus is the firstborn over all creation (Colossians 1:15), but He saves us and makes each believer a firstborn child of God.

[1] Todd Chipman, Until Every Child Is Home: Why the Church Can and Must Care for Orphans (Chicago: Moody Publishers, 2019), 51.

[2] Ibid.

[3] Ibid., 55. I like this illustration, but my use of it here is not meant to imply that my colleague Dr. Chipman would agree with all of my conclusions on soteriology.

The Danger of Worldliness

Sunday, July 21, 1861 saw the first major battle of the American Civil War about 25 miles southwest of Washington, D.C. at Manassas Junction, VA, also known as the battle of Bull Run.  The untried Union Army was led by Brigadier General Irvin McDowell and he opposed the Confederate Army under the command of General Pierre Gustave Toutant Beauregard.  Deadly fire raked the field of battle as .50 caliber black powder rifles used at close range wreaked carnage on the lines of finely dressed soldiers. Militarily, the battle is famous as the place where southern General Thomas Jackson earned his nom de Guerre, “Stonewall Jackson.” The battle of Bull Run was sobering and indicated that the war to end the evil of slavery would be long and bloody.

 When we think of the Civil War, we think of “blue” versus “gray.” But in this first battle at Bull Run, there was great confusion because the color of the uniforms used by each army had not yet been standardized.  Some of the Confederate soldiers were actually wearing a shade of blue and some Union soldiers were actually wearing gray.  As the battle intensified and the haze of black powder smoke descended over the landscape and hung over the field of combat, it became difficult to distinguish comrades from the enemy.  Clear and necessary distinctions between friend and foe became lost and was one factor contributing to the Union defeat. 

We too are in a battle, a spiritual fight. In the smoke and chaos of a culture at war with truth and virtue, there are times when the clear and necessary distinctions between Christians and the world are lost.  From a distance, many Christians look like the world. 1 John 2:15 warns us, “Do not love the world nor the things in the world. If anyone loves the world, the love of the Father is not in him.” Living for the Lord means we maintain clear distinctions between ourselves and those who oppose God.  The danger of worldliness is that we not only lead ourselves astray, but contribute to the defeat of others as well.

Keep Red in Preaching

On August 17, 1905, an excursion train traveling from Greenville, NC to Norfolk, VA crashed into the West Branch of the Elizabeth River, resulting in the deaths of many people. The train had failed to heed warnings that a draw bridge was open to let a tugboat pass. Like many accidents, there were many contributing factors which led to the tragedy, but one major problem was a faded “warning flag.” In that era, flags of different colors were placed along the tracks as signals to train engineers about conditions up ahead. A white flag meant all was safe ahead. A red flag was a warning of danger ahead. Railroad employees had placed a red flag along the track near the Elizabeth River to warn that the draw bridge was open and trains needed to stop. But tragically, the red flag had faded over time – the color had bleached out of it. Traveling at high rate of speed, the locomotive engineer mistook the faded red flag for a white flag: the red was gone out of it. The locomotive plunged headlong into the open bridge and tumbled into the river, resulting in the deaths of many people.

So it is with much of modern theology and preaching: the color red has gone out of it: the blood of Jesus is left out. The blood has been expunged from the pulpit and from hymnals. In 1937, Yale professor Richard Niebuhr (1894 – 1962) summarized the preaching of liberal Christianity in his book The Kingdom of God in America: A God without wrath brought men without sin into a kingdom without judgment through the ministrations of a Christ without a cross.

1 John 1:7 says, “But if we walk in the Light as He Himself is in the Light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus His Son cleanses us from all sin.” Stay faithful to the Bible and keep the color red – the blood of Jesus Christ – at the center of our churches and pulpits.